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Guidelines for Implementing Academic Intervention Services

January 2000

TO: District Superintendents of Schools
Superintendents of Public and Nonpublic Schools
Principals of Public and Nonpublic Schools
Guidance Counselors
Other Interested Parties

FROM: James A. Kadamus

SUBJECT: Guidelines for Implementing Academic Intervention Services

In July 1999, the Board of Regents adopted revisions to Part 100 of the Commissioner’s Regulations to align the regulations with new policy relating to standards, assessments, and graduation requirements. Section 100.2(ee) requires school districts to provide academic intervention services to students who score below the State designated performance level on State assessments and/or who are at risk of not achieving the State learning standards. School districts are required to complete a description of academic intervention services by July 1, 2000 and, beginning September 1, 2000, commence these services no later than the beginning of the semester following a determination that a student needs such services.

On January 7, 2000, the Department will sponsor a statewide video workshop and regional meetings at 12 sites across the State to review requirements and draft guidelines for providing academic intervention services to students. A parallel workshop is scheduled on January 6 in èÖľyuzuki City. Attached is a draft question-and-answer document which reflects the Department’s current thinking in implementing academic intervention services. The document was developed in response to numerous suggestions received from the field of areas in which further guidance is needed. There may be additional areas requiring clarification identified during the regional meetings. Therefore, we reserve the right to make revisions to the draft and redistribute a final document by April 1, 2000.

The question and answer document is organized by the following topics:

  • Definition of academic intervention services, as described in Section 100.1(g);
  • Eligibility for academic intervention services;
  • District description of academic intervention services;
  • Provision of academic intervention services;
  • Parental notification and involvement;
  • Relationship of academic intervention services to ERSS, PCEN and Title I;
  • Academic intervention services: Regulations; and
  • Index of topics.

Questions relating to policy issues should be directed to the Office for Compensatory Education at (518) 473-0295; inquiries concerning technical assistance in implementing academic intervention services should be directed to the Office of èÖľyuzuki City School Improvement at (718) 722-2636 or the Office of Regional School Improvement at (518) 474-5923.

Academic Intervention Services: Questions and Answers (January 7, 2000)Ìý


June 2000

To: District Superintendents of Schools
Superintendents of Public and Nonpublic Schools
Principals of Public and Nonpublic Schools
Guidance Counselors
Other Interested Parties

From: James A. Kadamus

Subject: Guidelines for Implementing Academic Intervention Services

In January 2000, I disseminated a draft question-and-answer document that reflected the Department’s thinking in implementing academic intervention services. At that time, I reserved the right to make revisions to the draft and to redistribute a final document. Comments and questions received since January have mainly dealt with implementation of policy articulated in January. We have determined there is only one new policy area that requires additional guidance and that relates to the provision of academic intervention services by BOCES. I have, therefore, decided not to distribute an additional question-and-answer document. School districts should continue developing their description of academic intervention services, which must be completed by July 1, 2000, using the draft January document as the State policy.

Attached [below] is a copy of a memorandum that was distributed to District Superintendents concerning the role of BOCES in providing academic intervention services. This policy was recently finalized as a result of changes in statute during this year’s budget negotiations.

The Department is establishing a new Part 100 web site that provides the regulatory language for Sections 100.1 – 100.9 of the Commissioner’s Regulations relating to general education and diploma requirements. Phase one is expected to be operational by July 1. Phase two will include the links to the regulatory language as well as existing and newly developed guidance material, and should be operational by September 1. Supplemental information on the implementation of academic intervention services will be available on the web site as well as through other existing communication vehicles.

If you have any questions about academic intervention services, you should contact the Department’s Office for Compensatory Education at (518) 473-0295.


June 2, 2000

To: District Superintendents of Schools

From: Jim Kadamus

Subject: BOCES Role in AIS

Over the past several months, we have discussed a number of possible roles for the BOCES as districts implement the academic intervention services requirements. Our goal is to permit BOCES to be active partners with districts in the provision of AIS in order to improve effectiveness and efficiency of services. We also must ensure that districts retain the lead in making fundamental changes in the instructional program to support improved student performance. In order to meet this goal, we have developed the following guidelines for BOCES participation in the AIS process. BOCES may:

  • Provide professional development to districts on how to do AIS plans, but not the actual development of AIS plans for students (with the exception of students educated in a full-day alternative education program at the BOCES).
  • Operate summer school programs that are consistent with the parameters under CoSer 5875. We continue to require that, on a program (BOCES-wide) basis, no more than 60% of the students enrolled are from any single district. On a site basis, no more than 80% of the students can be from a single district. This should help to address the problems of extensive travel time, lack of transportation aid and districts that are proportionately bigger than their neighbors.
  • Provide itinerant remedial services in the following subject areas: math, English language arts, social studies and science in addition to any itinerant remediation programs currently authorized. Social studies and science itinerants will be approved only for students in grades 9 – 12. Consistent with current policy, services with aid would be limited to .6 FTE per subject area, per district. These services must be provided in a way that is supplemental to and congruent with services provided directly by the district.

Several BOCES have inquired about providing itinerant or center-based after-school programs. We cannot approve after-school programs. However, in cases where, by board resolution, the length of a district’s school day is extended, the itinerant services described above can be provided during that extended school day. In such a case, the .6 limitation would apply to the total amount of service provided, regardless of the length of the school day.

Districts will be required to meet the following criteria before accessing BOCES AIS services:

  • Any use of BOCES AIS services for the 2000-01 school year must be approved by the Department to be aid eligible. In future years, an increase in AIS services to any district would require approval.
  • Districts must document in their AIS description of services that they have examined all possible options for providing AIS services using district resources and will access BOCES services only if such services would be otherwise unavailable.
  • Districts must demonstrate not only that district resources were insufficient to provide appropriate AIS services, but that accessing BOCES services is a cost-effective solution. The Department will develop a method for reviewing this information, similar to the technology cost-effectiveness templates recently implemented.

If you have any questions, or would like to discuss this issue further, please feel free to contact me.