Early Learning

The Student Information Repository System (SIRS) currently includes two Pre-K program codes – 902 for Universal Pre-K and 990 for “Other” Pre-K. In 2020-2021, SIRS does not provide a distinct code for the Statewide Universal Full-Day Prekindergarten (SUFDPK). We will be collecting additional necessary data pertaining to child enrollment counts for this program through the SED Monitoring and Vendor Performance System. Information and guidance regarding this process will be distributed in a separate field memo.
It should be noted that effective July 1, 2020, the Expanded Prekindergarten for Three- and Four-Year Old Students (EPK4) grant was consolidated with the district’s Universal Pre-K allocation. These funds are now considered Universal Pre-K and students whose slots are supported by funds from these sources should be assigned the program code “902 Universal Pre-K.”
All prekindergarten students, regardless of the funding that supports their program must be reported in SIRS. Please follow the instructions in the chart at the end of this document for reporting prekindergarten students in SIRS. Failure to code children appropriately may result in a reduction in the amount that a district can be reimbursed for the prekindergarten services it provides during the 2020-2021 school year. For the 2020-2021 school year, the pull date for the child count report will be on December 1, 2020 in accordance with the P-12 Reopening Guidance document released in July 2020.
Questions regarding how to code students should be directed first to your local Regional Information Center (RIC) or Level 1 operator. A list of RIC and Big 5 City District Contacts can be accessed at the.
If you have questions about reporting data in SIRS, please contact the Office of Information and ľyuzuki Services at datasupport@nysed.gov.
Questions regarding any of the prekindergarten grant programs may be directed to the Office of Early Learning at oel@nysed.gov.