Early Learning

This memo provides information to help school districts understand how the removal of the state supplement not supplant language from 2024-2025 UPK funding impacts those receiving Universal Prekindergarten (UPK) state-administered allocations and Statewide Universal Full Day Prekindergarten (SUFDPK) grant awards to operate a Prekindergarten (PreK) Program.
The FY 2025 enacted State budget removes the supplement not supplant requirement for State funds, allowing school districts to access their SUFDPK grant awards prior to accessing or even exhausting their UPK allocations.
- Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) with more than one type of state fundingsource for PreK, including UPK state-administered allocations and SUFDPKgrant award(s).
- LEAs may choose to access the funding source with the highest per pupil ratesto use first, regardless of when funding was allocated or awarded.
- Funding can be accessed in the order of the LEA’s choosing.
- One funding stream does not need to be exhausted prior to accessing another.
- This will be implemented for the 2024-2025 Project Year which runs from July 1,2024 – June 30, 2025.
- A minimum 10% collaboration requirement is still required.
- LEA’s will need to submit FS-10s for each funding stream being accessed.
- 3-year-old funding and 4-year-old funding may not be comingled.
- UPK or SUFDPK funding may not be used in place of any local or federal funds(e.g., Title 1 funds) already in use to support PreK funding as this is still arequirement under Education Law 3602-e and 3602-ee.
- UPK Allocation
- $978,960 to serve 92 FTE 4-year-olds (approx. per pupil $10,640)
- SUFDPK Grant Award
- $935,416 to serve 4-year-olds (per pupil $7k w/ uncertified teacher or $10k w/ certified teacher)
- Local Funds
- $340,000 to serve 36 FTE 4-year-olds (approximately per pupil $9400) to supplement the other half-day of programming awarded through the SUFDPK grant.
- UPK Allocation
- $820,000 to serve 124 FTE 3-year-olds (approx. per pupil $6,613)
- $708,000 to serve 111.5 FTE 4-year-olds (approx. per pupil $6,350)
- SUFDPK Grant Award
- $1,120,000 to serve 4-year-olds (per pupil $7k w/ uncertified teacher or$10k w/ certified teacher)
Ìý | FTE | per pupil | AMT |
UPK 3s | 80 | $6,613 | $529,040 |
UPK 4s | 98 | $6,350 | $622,300 |
SUFDPK | 0 | $7k/$10k | $0 |
MAX PAYABLE $1,151,340
Ìý | FTE | per pupil | AMT |
UPK 3s | 80 | $6,613 | $529,040 |
SUFDPK | 98 | $7k/$10k | $980,000 |
UPK 4s | 0 | $6,350 | $0 |
MAX PAYABLE $1,509,040
- UPK Allocation
- $1,512,000 to serve 280 FTE 4-year-olds (approx. per pupil $5,400)
- SUFDPK Grant Award
- $900,000 to serve 4-year-olds (per pupil $7k w/ uncertified teacher or $10k w/ certified teacher)
- SUFDPK Grant Award
- $250,000 to serve 4-year-olds (per pupil $7k w/ uncertified or $10k w/ certified teacher)
Ìý | FTE | per pupil | AMT |
UPK 4s | 135 | $5,400 | $729,000 |
SUFDPK | 0 | $7k/$10k | $0 |
SUFDPK | 0 | $7k/$10k | $0 |
Ìý | 135 | Ìý | Ìý |
MAX PAYABLE $729,000
Ìý | FTE | per pupil | AMT |
SUFDPK | 90 | $7k/$10k | $900,000 |
SUFDPK | 25 | $7k/$10k | $250,000 |
UPK 4s | 20 | $5,400 | $108,000 |
Ìý | 135 | Ìý | Ìý |
MAX PAYABLE $1,258,000