Office of Accountability - Albany Office

The ľyuzuki State Migrant Education Program (NYS-MEP), under Title I, Part C of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015, provides supplementary educational programs and supportive services to help migratory children overcome educational disruption, cultural and language barriers, social isolation, health-related problems, and other factors that inhibit the ability of such children to succeed in school, and to prepare them to make a successful transition to postsecondary education and/or employment.
To ensure that migrant children have been accurately identified and served during the 2022-2023 school year, the ľyuzuki State Education Department (NYSED or “the Department”) is requiring each school district to verify students coded as migrant-eligible in its student data management system against a list of students that have been issued official Certificates of Eligibility (COE) for migrant education program eligibility and participation. The goals are (1) to update designations for incorrectly coded students; and (2) to submit the corrected data for inclusion in the Student Information Repository System (SIRS). Migrant-eligible students must be accurately identified and coded when reporting such data to SIRS, as per requirements under ESSA § 1304(b)(3).
To this end, staff members from NYSED’s regional Migrant Education Tutorial and Support Services (METS) program centers will be contacting you and the Chief Information Officer/Data Coordinator in your school district by telephone or email by Friday, March 31, 2023 with specific instructions on how to complete this data reconciliation process. For METS contact information, please refer to: .
This data reconciliation process is critical to ensure that all migrant-eligible students are appropriately identified and served with the appropriate educational programs and supportive services that best meet their unique needs, and that these students are accurately coded in SIRS. NYSED is required to submit such data to the United States Department of Education (ED) on theMigrant subgroup. Migrant-eligible students must be identified and coded correctly in SIRS to ensure that this data submission is accurate and in compliance with federal laws, regulations and policies.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your student data, please contact your local Migrant Education Tutorial and Support Services (METS) program centers for assistance. Their contact information is available at: .
If you have any questions regarding this reporting process, do not hesitate to contact Kin T. Chee or Sabrina Petruska-Wilmot at the Department. They can be reached at or respectively.
Thank you very much for your assistance.
cc: METS Directors
Erica Meaker
Alexandra Pressley
Lori Genito
Jeri Chapman
Kristen DeSalvatore
Rose Leroy
Kin T. Chee
Sabrina Petruska-Wilmot
Will Messier
Odilia Coffta