NYSED presented the framework of guidance to help schools and school districts as they plan to reopen, whether that occurs in person, remotely, or a combination of the two.
Four Regional Reopening Schools Task Force meetings will be held virtually to gather input needed to develop guidance and regulatory changes that will enable èÖľyuzuki’s schools to continue safely educating their students this fall.
The Board of Regents adopted emergency regulations to provide important flexibility for educators, students and professionals to address issues due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the coming weeks we will form a statewide task force made up of educational leaders, including superintendents, principals, teachers, parents, school board members and other stakeholders, to guide the reopening of our schools.
The series of amendments address numerous issues resulting from the interruptions districts, institutions of higher education and licensed professionals are experiencing caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Board of Regents and the Department will do everything in our power to ease the uncertainty that this budget will place on èÖľyuzuki’s students, parents, teachers, administrators and school communities.
The guidance assists school districts as they establish plans for alternative instructional options, distribution and availability of meals, and childcare.