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The purposes of the re-designation process are to determine that the recognized school continues to: maintain its trajectory toward excellence and be a model middle-level school that is striving to be academically excellent, developmentally appropriate, socially equitable, organized to sustain continued growth and improvement, and an exemplar for the implementation of the Regents Policy Statement on Middle-Level Education and the State Education Departments Essential Elements of Standards-Focused Middle-Level Schools and Programs. Who Must Apply for Re-designation in 2022 The ľyuzuki State middle-level schools that were initially recognized or re-designated as EE: STW schools in 2019 must be re-designated if they wish to maintain their in good standing as EE: STW schools. Minimum Eligibility Requirements to Apply for Re-designation EE: STW schools desiring to be re-designated must have at least TWO of the following grades: grade six, grade seven, grade eight. Schools seeking re-designation cannot be currently classified as a Focus or Priority school under ľyuzuki States accountability system. Evidence of Academic Excellence Assessment Opt Out Concerns The EESTW Leadership Team, Middle School Association, and the State Education Department understand the dilemma facing some applicants regarding accountability status where the participation rate on state assessments may fall below 95% in schools due to high opt-out rates. This is not a disqualifier for potential applicants. Since opt-outs are not under the control of the school or district, the difficulty lies in the reliability of the data on the state assessments being reported in the application in those instances. In demonstrating the evidence for the General Criteria (1-8) and especially Academic Excellence domain item number five, special attention should be paid to how the school uses multiple measures (formative and summative evaluation) aligned to the state standards to rate academic excellence. Some examples could include iReady, NAEP, NWEA, STAR data, or common formative assessments. Re-designation Application Writing Protocol The EE: STW program re-designation application process is designed so that schools themselves MUST complete the process. Re-designation applications prepared by external grant writers or paid consultants will not be accepted. Re-designation Application Deadlines ALL re-designation application materials must be submitted by Friday, October 1, 2021 Submission of Completed Re-designation Application Re-designation application materials must be e-mailed to David Vroman, State Co-Director, EE: STW Program (dvroman@potsdam.k12.ny.us) and Christine Radez, Associate, Office of Curriculum and Instruction, NYSED (Christine.radez@nysed.gov) by Friday, October 1, 2021. One original signed paper copy of the Assurances pages must be sent by surface mail to Christine Radez as per the instructions on pages 7 and 8 (Steps 8 and 9). HOW TO APPLY (Please read carefully to insure that all Steps are completed correctly) Begin by reading the re-designation application requirements: Before your school begins to prepare its re-designation application, convene your team to read and discuss the re-designation application requirements and procedures. Be sure that your school meets the minimum eligibility requirements. It must have at least TWO of the following grades: grade six, grade seven, grade eight. It may not be currently classified as a Comprehensive Support and Improvement or Targeted Support and Improvement school under ľyuzuki States accountability system.  The Essential Elements: Schools-to-Watch re-designation application procedure consists of the following nine steps Step 1: Become familiar with the EE: STW re-designation application and application development process. Thoroughly study the re-designation application and the re-designation application process. The re-designation application itself consists of: Part I: Descriptive Information Part II: Narrative Part III: Recent Changes Part IV: Assurances EE: STW Self-Study and Rating Rubric downloadable at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.nysed.gov/curriculum-instruction/essential-elements-schools-watch" http://www.nysed.gov/curriculum-instruction/essential-elements-schools-watch PLUS National Forums STW Self Study and Rating Rubric to be completed on-line. See Step 2 for information on accessing this rubric. Step 2: Secure access to the National Forums STW on-line Self Study and Rating Rubric. As soon as your school decides to submit a re-designation application but no later than September 1, 2021 (if not sooner) contact David Vroman, Co-Director, ľyuzuki State EE: STW Program, at  HYPERLINK "mailto:dvroman@potsdam.k12.ny.us" dvroman@potsdam.k12.ny.us or Co-Director Christine Radez at  HYPERLINK "mailto:chrsitine.radez@nysed.gov" chrsitine.radez@nysed.gov for instructions on how to access the National Forums Schools-to-Watch (NF-STW) on-line Self Study and Rating Rubric Survey. All certified professional and paraprofessional staff must participate in this on-line data collection process in order to submit an eligible re-designation application for review. This access is vital to completing the final re-designation application due October 1, 2021. Re-designation applications that are submitted by schools that have not completed the on-line data collection component will not be reviewed. Again, for information on how to access the NF-STW on-line Self Study and Rating Rubric Survey, contact: David Vroman or Christine Radez. Step 3: Complete BOTH the Essential Elements: STW Self-Study and Rating Rubric AND the National Forums STW (NF-STW) on-line Self-Study and Rating Rubric Survey. Develop a process to complete both the EE: STW Self-Study and Rating Rubric that will accompany the re-designation application and the NF-STW on-line Self-Study and Rating Rubric Survey. All certified professional and paraprofessional staff should be involved. Using a collaborative, school-wide process complete one composite EE: STW Self-Study and Rating Rubric that will be submitted with your re-designation application. This copy MUST INCLUDE specific school policies, programs and activities that resulted in the criteria ratings. This section is not included in the electronic on-line survey. Use the following form to complete the EE: STW Self-Study and Rating Rubric and include with your re-designation application:  HYPERLINK "http://www.nysed.gov/curriculum-instruction/essential-elements-schools-watch" http://www.nysed.gov/curriculum-instruction/essential-elements-schools-watch Assign a single, aggregated rating that reflects the collective perceptions of your school community for each of the 37 criteria contained within the four EE: STW domains. Academic Excellence Developmental Responsiveness Social Equity Organization Structure and Processes NOTE: The single rating for each criterion contained within the four EE: STW domains should reflect the collective perceptions of your schools staff. Include narrative evidence of school programs, practices and activities under each of the 37 rating criteria in the 4 domain areas. Be accurate and rate your school appropriately and honestly. Involve all stakeholder groups fully in the self-study process. During the discussions of each of the dimensions, begin to build a list of details and evidence that supports the ratings and that will give substance and specifics to the written narrative. Include this evidence under each criterion in the space provided. The completed, collaboratively-developed EE: STW Self-Study and Rating Rubric will include an overall rating 0-4 for each of the 37 criteria AND evidence of specific school programs and practices supporting each rating. IMPORTANT: After completing the EE: STW Self-Study and Rating Rubric, direct all professional and paraprofessional staff to complete the NF-STW on-line Self-Study and Rating Rubric Survey. Step 4: Gather the required information and edit, revise, and update Part I of the re-designation application (Descriptive Information). NOTE: Please edit, revise, and update the Part I Descriptive Information contained in your original EE: STW application or your most recent re-designation application. If you dont have a copy please contact Christine Radez, NYSED, at 518-486-1744 or christine.radez@nysed.gov.  Go to the NYS Education Department Website ( HYPERLINK "http://www.nysed.gov" www.nysed.gov) and attach copies of the 2018-19 and 2019-20 School Report Cards (if available) to the EE: STW re-designation application. Step 5: Edit, revise, and update Part II of the original EE: STW application or the most recent re-designation application (Narrative). NOTE: Please edit, revise, and update the Part II Narrative of your original EE: STW application (or your most recent re-designation application). If you dont have a copy, contact Christine Radez, NYSED, at 518-486-1744 or christine.radez@nysed.gov.  Section A: Tell Us About Your School (not to exceed 8 pages total) For each of the four EE: STW Self-Study criteria (Academic Excellence; Developmental Responsiveness; Social Equity; and Organizational Structure and Processes), edit, revise and update the narratives of your original application (or re-designation application). Be sure to provide substantiating evidence that supports the new narratives. Section B: Continuous Improvement Efforts (2 to 4 pages) Provide an updated narrative (not to exceed 4 pages) that includes a year-by-year explanation of your schools continuous improvement efforts since designation (or re-designation). The narrative should cover the following three years: 2018-19, 2019-20, and 2020-21, and include the following: The identified priority need areas, the planned improvement activities to address the priority need areas, evidence of the impact of the planned improvement activities, and Central Office support for the schools continuous improvement efforts for the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years, For the 2020-21 school year: the priority need areas, action plans, anticipated outcomes, and expected support from the Central Office, and Steps the school/district has taken to orient and acclimate new staff and to ensure they are familiar with the EE: STW program, the Essential Elements of Standards-Focused Middle-Level Schools and Programs, and the culture and expectations of the school. SPECIFICATIONS FOR WRITING THE PART II NARRATIVE (Sections A and B): At the top of each page, identify the topic (e.g., Academic Excellence, Social Equity, Developmental Responsiveness, etc.) about which you are writing. Also in the top header, include the schools name. At the bottom of each page, place a consecutive page number. The Part II Narrative must be typed or word-processed. Please use a 12-point font and allow left and right margins. The Part II Narrative (Sections A and B) of the re-designation application should not exceed a total of 12 pages. Step 6: Complete Part III (Recent Changes) of the re-designation application that asks for specific information on any changes in the district or school in the last three years. Provide additional information on what has happened over the past three years that may or may not have had an impact on your school including: Changes in the Board of Education, Central Office Administration, and Building Administration. Turnover in the teaching staff. Budget defeats. Changes in the schools organization, structure, program, or demographics. Major changes in the Master Schedule. Changes in how students are grouped and/or assigned to classes. Step 7: Sign Part IV of the re-designation application (Assurances). Step 8: Arrange all documents into a SINGLE electronic file in either MS Word or PDF format and e-mail copies to the following addresses:  HYPERLINK "mailto:christine.radez@nysed.gov" christine.radez@nysed.gov and  HYPERLINK "mailto:dvroman@potsdam.k12.ny.us" dvroman@potsdam.k12.ny.us Double check to be sure the re-designation application package includes: Part I (Descriptive Information); Part II (Narrative); Part III (Recent Changes); Part IV (Assurances); Completed EE: STW Self-Study and Rating Rubric: downloadable at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.nysed.gov/curriculum-instruction/essential-elements-schools-watch" http://www.nysed.gov/curriculum-instruction/essential-elements-schools-watch Copies of the 2018-2019 and 2019-20 School Report Cards (if available) and any additional data offered in support of your re-designation application (e.g., the 2020-21 School Report Card if available). Step 9: A completed paper copy of the two ASSURANCES pages should be submitted by surface mail to: Christine Radez, Associate, Office of Curriculum and Instruction ľyuzuki State Education Department 89 Washington Ave Room 320EB Albany, NY 12234 All Materials Must Be submitted by Friday, October 1, 2021. Late Submissions Will Not Be Accepted.  Questions: Please direct all questions regarding the application process to: Christine Radez David Vroman NYS Education Department EE: STW State Co-Director, NYSMSA (518) 486-1744 (315) 323-3284  HYPERLINK "mailto:christine.radez@nysed.gov" christine.radez@nysed.gov  HYPERLINK "mailto:dvroman@potsdam.k12.ny.us" dvroman@potsdam.k12.ny.us NEW YORK STATE Essential Elements: Schools-to-Watch Recognition Program RE-DESIGNATION APPLICATION (2021-2022) SUBMIT ALL RE-DESIGNATION APPLICATIONS BY October 1, 2021 E-MAIL ALL MATERIALS TO: David Vroman, NYSMSA, State Co-Director EE: STW Program (dvroman@potsdam.k12.ny.us) AND Christine Radez, Associate, Instructional Services, NYSED christine.radez@nysed.gov) ľyuzuki State Middle School Association ľyuzuki State Education Department ľyuzuki State United Teachers School Administrators Association of ľyuzuki State Statewide Network of Middle-Level Education Liaisons and Support Schools PART I: DESCRIPTIVE INFORMATION School Contact Information: School Name: __________________________________________________________________ Street Address: _________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________, NY ______________________________ Phone: (_____) ____________ Fax: (____) ___________ Web site: ______________________ Name of Principal: ______________________________ Years as Principal at this site: _______ E-mail: ________________________________ School District: _________________________ Members of the Application Writing Team: (names and positions): NamePosition           Student Demographics and Characteristics for the 2020-2021 School Year: NOTE: Please answer the following questions for all students in each grade in your school for the 2020-21school year (please use BEDS Day 2020-21 figures). If your school does not house a particular grade, please enter N/A.  Please provide enrollment information for the following student populations in your school for the 2020-21 school year.  5th 6th 7th 8th 9thTotal Number of students% of Total EnrollmentBlack/African American StudentsAsian/Asian American StudentsWhite (not of Hispanic origin) StudentsHispanic/Latino(a) StudentsAmerican Indian (Native American) StudentsOtherTotals100%Male StudentsFemale StudentsFree/Reduced Lunch StudentsStudents with DisabilitiesEnglish Language Learner Students (LEP/ELL) What was the average daily attendance rate (percent of all students) in your school: 2019-20: _____________ 2020-21: _______________(if available) What was the student stability rate (defined as the percentage of students in the highest grade in a school who were also enrolled in that school at any time during the previous school year) in your school for: 2019-20: _____________ 2020-21: _______________(if available) 4. Please complete the following table dealing with IN-SCHOOL suspensions in your school during the 2020-21 school year: Enrollment in School1-5 days6-10 daysTotal # of SuspensionsTotal # of Students SuspendedTotal # of SuspensionsTotal # of Students SuspendedBlack/African American StudentsAsian/Asian American StudentsWhite (not of Hispanic origin)Hispanic/Latino(a) StudentsAmerican Indian (Native American) StudentsOtherTOTALSMale StudentsFemale StudentsFree/Reduced Lunch StudentsStudents w/ DisabilitiesEnglish Language Learner Students (LEP/ELL)Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8Grade 9 5. Please complete the following table dealing with OUT-OF-SCHOOL suspensions in your school during the 2020-21 school year: Enrollment in School1-5 days6-10 daysTotal # of SuspensionsTotal # of Students SuspendedTotal # of SuspensionsTotal # of Students SuspendedBlack/African American StudentsAsian/Asian American StudentsWhite (not of Hispanic origin)Hispanic/Latino(a) StudentsAmerican Indian (Native American) StudentsOtherTOTALSMale StudentsFemale StudentsFree/Reduced Lunch StudentsStudents w/ DisabilitiesEnglish Language Learner Students (LEP/ELL)Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8Grade 9 6. How many students, if any, were suspended for more than 10 days in 2020-21? ______ If there were any suspensions for more than 10 days, please explain: Please write a paragraph that will help us understand your schools suspension policy data. Describe your schools suspension policy and the interventions in place to meet the needs of students suspended either in or out of school. (If necessary, attach a separate sheet.) Please explain any unusual incidents of suspension greater than five days that may have skewed the reported suspension data for 2020-21 (e.g., suspensions for weapons violations, bomb threats, etc.). Please complete the following table dealing with students who were not promoted (retained) at the end of the 2020-21 school year. Student GroupsGrade FiveGrade SixGrade SevenGrade EightGrade NineNumber not Promoted% of Total in GradeNumber not Promoted% of Total in GradeNumber not Promoted% of Total in GradeNumber not Promoted% of Total in GradeNumber not Promoted% of Total in GradeBlack/African AmericanAsian/Asian AmericanWhite (not of Hispanic origin)Hispanic/ Latino(a) American Indian (Native American)Other Totals Males Females Free/Reduced Lunch Students with DisabilitiesELL Students Staff Demographics and Characteristics for the 2020-21School Year: Please answer the following questions about the teaching staff in your school for the 2020-21 school year (please use BEDS Day 2020-21 figures). Teacher PopulationsNumber Total Number of Teachers in the School (FTE) Number of Regular Education Teachers (FTE) Number of Special Education Teachers (FTE) Number of ESL/ELL Teachers (FTE) 11. Please provide information on the number of FTE teachers specifically assigned to teach the following subject areas in the school (2020-21 school year): Subject AreaGrade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8Grade 9English Language Arts (including reading)MathematicsScienceSocial StudiesArtMusicHome and Career SkillsTechnology EducationPhysical EducationHealth EducationSecond LanguageAISOther 12. Please provide information on the certification/licensure of the teaching staff in this school for the 2020-21 school year: Certification/Licensure AreaGrade Spans CoveredNumber of Staff with this credential**Elementary Certification/LicensureMiddle Grades Certification/LicensureSecondary Certification/LicensureOther Certification/LicensureMiddle Grades Endorsement*Other Credentials *An endorsement is an add-on to a certification or license ** Staff may have multiple certifications/licensures How long has the administrative staff been at this school (include the 2020-21 school year in your calculations)? In the School as either a Teacher or Administrator (total years in the school)In the School as an AdministratorPrincipal Assistant Principal #1Assistant Principal #2Assistant Principal #3Other Administrator #1 Specify:Other Administrator #2 Specify: Programmatic Information for the 2020-21 School Year: How are your instructional minutes organized for each grade level (periods per day; block schedule; flexible block; semestered; self-contained; departmentalized, etc)? You may answer below or attach a single sheet. What courses are taught at each grade level and for how long? Please make clear how the units of study mandated by Section 100.4 of Commissioners Regulations are being met, especially in those areas for which there are no mandated State assessments (i.e., health education, home and career skills, technology education, library and information skills, art, music, physical education, languages other than English). You may answer below or attach a single sheet. For students needing Academic Intervention Services and/or other mandated services (e.g., Resource Room, ESL), how are you ensuring that they receive required instruction in those standards areas for which there are no mandated State assessments? You may answer below or attach a single sheet. What special opportunities/experiences does your school provide students that are designed to connect them to the school, to make them feel successful, and to create a positive school climate and culture? Special Recognitions: Please let us know about any research projects, grant awards, articles, projects, or special awards of which your school has been the subject or recipient in the last three years. Please include dates, sponsors of awards, article titles, etc. Is your school currently an institutional member of the ľyuzuki State Middle School Association? _____ Yes ____ No Describe the programs and/or services provided English Language Learners (ELL) and provide evidence of their impact on student achievement. 21. If any subgroup in your student population did not meet AYP in one or more subjects last year, please describe the steps taken to meet the needs of these students at your school. Describe Your Collaborative Process: 22. Completing the EE: STW re-designation application should be a collaborative process involving the entire school community. Write a paragraph describing the process used at your school, noting specifically the level of involvement of teachers, counselors, administrators, the schools shared decision-making committee and any others (if necessary, attach a separate sheet following page nine of this application). Elected Officials: 23. Please provide the name, mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address for your State Senator, State Assemblyperson, and House of Representatives Representative. 24. Kindly provide us with the reporter name, media outlet (newspaper and/or TV station) name or description, and contact information for notifying the media if your application results in a designation recognition. PART II: NARRATIVE Section A: Tell Us About Your School (4 to 8 Pages) Edit, revise, and update the narratives for each of the four EE: STW criteria (Academic Excellence; Developmental Responsiveness; Social Equity; and Organizational Structure and Processes) submitted in your original EE: STW application (or re-designation application). Please be as specific, clear, and detailed as possible. Providing evidence is the key!!  Academic Excellence (1 to 2 pages of edited, revised, and updated narrative): Developmental Responsiveness (1 to 2 pages of edited, revised, and updated narrative): Social Equity (1 to 2 pages of edited, revised, and updated narrative): Organizational Structure and Processes (1 to 2 pages of edited, revised, and updated narrative): Section B: Continuous Improvement Efforts (Not to Exceed 4 Pages) Continuous Improvement Efforts (2 to 4 pages) Provide an updated narrative that provides a year-by-year update on your schools continuous improvement efforts since designation (or re-designation). The narrative should cover the following three years: 2019-20, 2020-21, and 2021-22, please include the following: The identified priority need areas, the planned improvement activities to address the priority need areas, evidence of the impact of the planned improvement activities, and Central Office support for the schools continuous improvement efforts for the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years, For the upcoming school year (2021-22): the priority need areas, action plans, anticipated outcomes, and expected support from the Central Office, and Steps the school/district has taken in the past three years to orient and acclimate staff new to the middle-level school and to ensure they are familiar with the EE: STW program, the Essential Elements of Standards-Focused Middle-Level Schools and Programs, and the culture and expectations of the school.  PART III: RECENT CHANGES Please provide specific information on any changes in the district or school since the preparation and submission of your original EE: STW application. Include any additional information (not limited to the following) on what has happened over the past three years that may have had an impact on your school including: Changes in the Board of Education, Central Office Administration, and Building Administration. Turnover in the teaching staff. Budget defeats. Changes in the schools organization, structure, program, or demographics. Major changes in the Master Schedule. Changes in how students are grouped and/or assigned to classes.  Please describe any changes in the Board of Education, Central Office Administration, or building administration that have occurred in the past three years. Please detail the changes that have occurred in the teaching staff (turnover) in the past three years. iii. If there have been any school budget defeats in the past three years, please explain their impact on the middle-level schools operations, staffing, and programs. iv. Please describe any changes in the schools organization, structure, program, or demographics in the past three years. v. Please describe any major changes in the Master Schedule in the past three years. vi. Please describe any changes in the past three years in how students are grouped and/or assigned to classes. vii. With the honor of being an Essential Elements School to Watch comes the responsibility of growing the program. Please explain how you have furthered the cause of the Essential Elements Schools to Watch Program. (For example, presentations at conferences, hosting visiting schools, mentoring potential applicants, etc.). The completed re-designation application must be submitted no later than Friday, October 1, 2021.  PART IV: ASSURANCES Signature and Permission: I am aware applications developed and written solely by consultants will not be considered, and I certify that the re-designation application (including narrative) preparation was a collaborative process involving site administrators, teachers, and other key stakeholders. I give permission to the National Forum to Accelerate Middle Grades Reform, the ľyuzuki State Middle School Association, the ľyuzuki State Education Department, and the Essential Elements: Schools-to-Watch Leadership Team to publish the information and materials included in this application on their websites in order to help other schools move toward high performance and implement Regents Policy Statement on Middle-Level Education and the Departments Essential Elements of Standards-Focused Middle-Level Schools and Programs. I understand that representatives of the Essential Elements: Schools-to-Watch program may conduct a site visit to my school during the 2021-22 school year, and that we will gladly host such a visit. Furthermore, if my school is selected as an Essential Elements: Schools-to-Watch school, a documentation team may visit the school in order to gather further information for a case study. This case study may include written and photographic and/or videotaped documentation. My staff and I will cooperate in the data-gathering effort to the fullest extent possible and will assist in obtaining the necessary releases for the case study. If selected as an Essential Elements School to Watch, an award will be presented to the school at a national conference in Washington DC in June of 2022. If selected I will make every effort to secure the resources necessary to send a team or representative to accept that award on the schools behalf. Further, if selected as an Essential Elements School to Watch, an award will be presented to the school at the annual conference of the ľyuzuki State Middle School Association in the fall of 2022. If selected I will make every effort to secure the resources necessary to send a team or representatives to accept that award on the schools behalf and to present a workshop at the conference in which one or more of our instructional best practices will be showcased. Also, I will encourage and support my principals participation in the annual Convening of EE: STW Principals held during the NYSMSA annual conference. I recognize that being selected as an Essential Schools: Schools-to-Watch school will result in an increase in outside visitors and publicity. We are prepared to share our knowledge and experience with others in order to accelerate middle grades reform. I certify that my school is not currently classified as a Comprehensive Support and Improvement or Targeted Support and Improvement school under ľyuzuki States accountability system. I certify that my school is fully and completely in compliance with any and all Commissioners Regulations including, but not limited to, those concerning teacher certification and assignment, program offerings and units of study requirements, mandated services to special populations, and the timely provision of Academic Intervention Services. I further certify that the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) does not have any outstanding findings of one or more civil rights statute violations by the school or district which may affect the school and that there are no pending suits by the Department of Justice against the district alleging that the school, or the district as a whole, has violated one or more of the civil rights statutes or the Constitutions equal protection clauses. Principals Signature Date District Administrators (Superintendent or Designee) Signature Date I certify that the teachers in the school that is the focus of this EE: STW re-designation application have been fully and appropriately involved in the completion of the school self-study rating rubrics and the development of the application. Teacher Bargaining Unit Representative Signature Date Checklist: ____ Part I is completed fully. ____ School Report Cards for 2018-19 and 2019-20 (if available) are included in the application package. ____ Part II, Sections A and B (Narrative), is completed fully: ____ Sections A and B combined are no more than 12 pages. ____ The top of each page in Part II identifies the topic (e.g., Academic Excellence, Social Equity, Continuous Improvement Efforts, etc.) about which you are writing. ____ The top header in Part II includes the schools name. ____ The bottom of each page in Part II has a consecutive page number. ____ Part III (Recent Changes) is complete. ____ Part IV (Assurances) are signed. ____ One completed composite EE: STW Self-Study and Rating Rubric is included in the application package. ____ Staff have logged on and completed the National Forums STW on-line Self Study and Rating Rubric. ____ Any additional information or materials in support of the re-designation application are included. ____ Arrangements have been made to submit the completed re-designation application to David Vroman (NYSMSA) and Christine Radez (NYSED) as per the instructions on pages 7 and 8 (Steps 8 and 9). Re-designation application materials must be e-mailed to Christine Radez, Associate, Office of Curriculum and Instruction, NYS Education Department (christine.radez@nysed.gov) AND to David Vroman, State Co-Director, Essential Elements: STW Recognition Program (dvroman@potsdam.k12.ny.us) by Friday, October 1, 2021. A paper copy of the ASSURANCES pages should be sent by surface mail to Christine Radez as per the instructions on pages 7 and 8 (Steps 8 and 9) of this packet.   The original four School-To-Watch domains and their criteria were first developed by the National Forum to Accelerate Middle Grades Reform, the sponsor of the Schools-To-Watch program nationally. The four domains and their criteria align fully and completely with the Regents Policy Statement on Middle-Level Education (2003) and the State Education Departments seven Essential Elements of Standards Focused Middle-Level Schools and Programs (2003) (as they are grounded in the same research base). The EE: STW Self-Study and Rating Rubric developed for use in ľyuzuki State incorporates and merges both the State Education Departments seven Essential Elements and their attributes AND the National Forums four domains and their criteria.     PAGE  PAGE 1 8@ABCDfgijknoprstuv  5 6 ſŹ~xtpllptph_h@yh) hqCJh^5CJ\hs5CJ\h;5CJ\hq5CJ\hq56\] hq6] h_CJ( hsCJ( h)CJ( hOvhCJ( h;CJ(hq hqCJ(h@y6CJ(]hq6CJ(] hq5\ h;CJ0 hqCJ0*ACDfrstuvhh$If]h^h$hh$If]h^ha$hh$If]h^h$a$$a$gd@y6 7 8 ; < K X |  ' [  * S k l ǻΙth/56\]aJh@yhq6\]aJhq6>*CJ ]aJh;56\]hkp56\]aJh@y56\]aJhq56\]aJ hq5\hq56\] hFzhqhFzhh7hqhOvh hh>*h@yh_+  ' [ |gd@y[kd$$Ifl$h%064 la $h$If]ha$$hh$If]h^ha$gdFz  * S l % & S {  , M p $`a$$a$l } ~   " $ % & ' H J P ƹ蟟}o\L\L\h@y56\]aJmH sH $hBshq56\]aJmH sH h/6\]aJmH sH !h@yh 6\]aJmH sH !h@yhq6\]aJmH sH h@y6\]aJmH sH h;T56\]aJh@yhq6\]aJh/6\]aJh/56\]aJh@y56\]aJhq56\]aJhn>j56\]aJP Q R S U o x y z { }      ) * + , . ? 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