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P-3 Virtual Summer Institute 2022

The NYS Council on Children and Families (CCF) is partnering with the NYS Education Department's Office of Early Learning to convene the annual P-3 Summer Institute. Links to registrations and presentations are now available on this page as of July 28, 2022.


Presenters:? Dr. Andrea Hongisfeld and Dr. Maria Dove

Length:? 60 minutes

Intended audience:?All prekindergarten-Grade 3 educators (classroom teachers, English as a New Language teachers, coaches and administrators)


Using an "educational equity portal" metaphor, participants will consider the gateway between the educational world we knew before the pandemic and the next one we are co-creating. The session offers four key, post-pandemic equity strategies for multilingual learners and English Language Learners (ELLs) and will address how ELLs¡¯ academic, linguistic, literacy, and social-emotional growth can be ensured to their fullest potential.

As a result of the session, participants will be able to define and apply the following four key equity strategies to their own teaching:? (1) Amplifying the Talents, Spirits, and Personal Powers of Multilingual Learners, (2) Recalibrating the Curriculum to Accelerate Learning for Multilingual Learners, (3) Teaching and Assessing to Build Student Autonomy, Agency, and Resilience, and (4) Harnessing the Power of Connections and Relationships.


Dr. Andrea Honigsfeld is Associate Dean and Director of the Doctoral Program (Educational Leadership for Diverse Learning Communities) at Molloy College, Rockville Centre, NY. Before entering the field of teacher education, she was an English as a Foreign Language teacher in Hungary, an English as a Second Language teacher in èÖľyuzuki City and taught Hungarian at èÖľyuzuki University. A Fulbright Scholar and sought after national presenter, Andrea is the coauthor or coeditor of 25 books on education and numerous chapters and research articles related to the needs of diverse learners.




Maria G. Dove, EdD, is professor in the School of Education and Human Services at Molloy College, Rockville Center, èÖľyuzuki, where she teaches preservice and in-service teachers about the research and best practices for developing effective programs and school policies for English Language Learners.? Before entering the field of higher education, she worked for more than 30 years as an English-as-a-second language teacher in public school settings and in adult English language programs in Nassau County, èÖľyuzuki. In 2010, Dr. Dove received the Outstanding English to Speakers of Other Languages Educator Award from èÖľyuzuki State Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.




Presenter:? Dr. Jordan Gonz¨¢lez

Length:? approximately 60 minutes

Intended audience: Teachers, administrators, pupil support personnel, school counselors, and social workers


This workshop will provide a review of the data in developing an understanding of the traumatic stress that English Language Learners (ELLs) are currently experiencing, with special attention to the COVID-19 pandemic, unaccompanied minors crossing the border, refugees and forced migration.? This includes the recent events involving the Afghan evacuation and the Ukrainian refugee crisis.? Participants will also review the effects traumatic stress has on the developing brain, in learning and within school classrooms.? Participants will be introduced to classroom practices, strategies and resources that can mitigate and be responsive to ELLs who are experiencing traumatic stress.?

Dr. Jordan Gonz¨¢lez is a lead resource specialist and administrative coordinator for the Long Island Regional Bilingual Resource Network (L.I.RBERN), where he provides technical assistance, professional development, and support to school districts in Nassau and Suffolk counties as it relates to English Language Learners (ELLs).? He previously served as the Director of Language Acquisition for Yonkers Public Schools where he led ELL programs in English as a New Language, Bilingual Education and World Languages across 40 schools. He started his career as a high school ENL and World Language teacher in èÖľyuzuki City public schools. Lastly, Dr. Gonz¨¢lez is a faculty member at St. John¡¯s University where he prepares the next generation of K-12 teachers for certification and ELL instruction.? His research interests include feedback in second language writing development, language and literacy instruction within culturally and linguistically diverse classrooms, and ELL educational policies.?


Presenter:? Lillie H. Feierabend

Length: 60 minutes

Intended audience: Early childhood educators; early childhood music educators; day care providers; anyone who works with young children.


Participants will experience multiple music lessons designed to help young children develop their musical skills, using repertoire from several cultures, creating a bridge to our global community. When we share these gems, we can begin to appreciate and learn about people as we sing their songs and move in their footsteps. This lively workshop will introduce participants to a songs and movement activities from our global community that help nurture young children in our quest to help them become tuneful, beatful, and artful.?

Lillie is a founding and lifetime member of FAME. She is also a member of NAfME, OAKE, CMEA and ACDA. She is a member and former president of KESNE (Kodaly Educators of Southern New England) and President of Mu Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, an international organization which supports and promotes the professional and personal growth of women educators, and excellence in education.?


Lillie is known for her work with young children and instilling a love of music within them. She has been an early childhood and general music educator for over thirty years and was a conductor for the Connecticut Children¡¯s Chorus for seventeen. She has twice been honored with her respective district¡¯s Teacher of the Year Award for her inclusive and innovative music programs, and in 2008 also received the Outstanding Elementary Music Educator Award from the Connecticut Music Educators Association.? She has presented over three hundred lively and thought-provoking professional learning sessions around the country on music and movement development.?


Presenter:? Dr. Zoila Morell

Length: 60 minutes

Intended audience:?Early childhood educators; day care providers; anyone who works with young children.


This presentation focuses on promoting anti-bias values at the earliest opportunity ¨C in prekindergarten ¨C focusing on guiding principles to inform conversations and activities on race, culture, and language in the prekindergarten classroom. Participants will examine common practices in early childhood education that promote prosocial behavior but may fall short of actually teaching justice and inclusion. Using anecdotes from research and practice, this presentation will address social injustice in early childhood, classroom culture and social justice, age-appropriate definitions , activities for children, family engagement for social justice and inclusion, and supporting early childhood teachers.

Zoila Morell, PhD, Associate Professor in Early Childhood and Childhood Education at Lehman College. Her research and scholarship examine bilingual education, school readiness, early childhood education, and conditions impacting the educational achievement of Latinx children. As the Principal Investigator of the Lehman College Initiative for Multilingualism in Early Childhood, she collaborates with school districts and communities with growing immigrant populations to develop multilingual approaches and resources for prekindergarten programs.


Presenters: Jian Liu and Peng Zeng

Length: approximately 40 min

Intended audience:?Early childhood educators; day care providers; anyone who works with young children.


This session is intended to deepen the understanding about the four principles of NYSED¡¯s Culturally Responsive Sustaining Education (CR-SE) framework and see how each principle can be applied in early childhood world languages classrooms. Authentic examples of creating including, welcoming, and affirming environments are drawn from an early childhood Mandarin classroom.


Jian Liu (Áõ½¡) is the Training Specialist in the Office of Contracting at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) where he creates effective training programs and serves as the primary trainer for the acquisition and contract professionals. ?Jian is a former Associate in Bilingual Education in the Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages at the èÖľyuzuki State Education Department.? Before that, Jian was an Assessment Manager in the Office of Assessment at the èÖľyuzuki City Department of Education.? Jian is an adjunct Assistant Professor at the èÖľyuzuki University School of Professional Studies. ?At an earlier stage of his professional career, Jian was a high school bilingual math teacher in Brooklyn.





Peng?Zeng?is Lower Division Mandarin Teacher at St. Hilda's & St. Hugh's, an independent, Episcopal day school in èÖľyuzuki City, where she creates and delivers Mandarin Chinese curriculum and daily instruction to children aged 3 to 9 years old. Prior to this, she founded?Playlingual Inc., a Chinese language learning program for infants and toddlers, and taught Chinese Language at undergraduate and graduate levels at the New School. Peng was Assistant Director of the Children and Youth program at China Institute from 2007-2013. She also worked as Director of Chinese after-school programs at PS 184 at the early stage of her career.? Peng is part of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Leadership team at St. Hilda's & St. Hugh's. She has recently completed the S.E.E.D (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) course.?



Presenter:? Nichole Parks and Judy Jablon, Leading for Children

Length: approximately 60 minutes

Intended audience:?all adults working in the early childhood ecosystem


How adults interact has a deep and lasting influence on the children in their care. And yet, the early learning field spends very little time focusing on these relationships and interactions. To co-create communities in which every child can thrive, all adults in the child¡¯s ecosystem need to come together with mutual respect, collaboration, and inclusivity.


The Eleven Simple Rules is a framework that helps adults establish a new, equitable model of working together. This framework helps adults break down silos and dismantle inequitable power structures, and it is replicable across all early learning environments. When the Eleven Simple Rules are integrated as a daily practice, they lead to high quality learning in the classroom and beyond ¡ª from parks, playgrounds, homes, buses to every part of a child¡¯s ecosystem.


Members of the Wyoming Quality Learning Network will describe how they used the Eleven Simple Rules to create an effective statewide collaboration.


Nichole Parks is the Director of Programs at Leading for Children (LFC).? Her philosophy is that by nurturing the growth and development of program leaders, we create pathways to sustainable quality and develop programs deserving of our children. During her 23 years in early childhood education, she¡¯s taught preschool, served children and families as the Infant and Toddler Director of NAEYC and state accredited program, and served as a mentor for directors leading their programs through quality accreditation. Prior to joining LFC she was the Quality Rating Improvement System Coordinator with Arkansas State University Childhood Services where she coordinated training, coaching, assessments and initiatives for early childhood program administrators.



Judy Jablon is the Founder and Executive Director of Leading for Children (LFC), a national non-profit organization. Judy has spent more than thirty-five years in early learning beginning as a teacher. Moving from direct work with children to professional development, she has always emphasized the importance of guiding educators to use their collective wisdom to support and extend quality learning for young children and adults. Judy is the author of numerous books and resources for the field including Powerful Interactions, The Five Commitments of Optimistic Leaders: A Reflective Practice Journal.?Judy began Leading for Children in 2016 to focus on equity in early learning by ensuring that all the adults in the young child¡¯s ecosystem can come together to collectively solve the challenges of their communities by using their wisdom and experience. LFC¡¯s projects are currently underway in more than ten states across the country.


Presentation Flyer


If you have any questions about this event, please contact the Office of Early Learning at?OEL@nysed.gov.



This project is supported by the Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five Initiative (PDGB5), Grant Number 90TP005903, from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Child Care. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official view of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.