OSC Vendor IDs and NYSED Substitute Form W-9
A Payee Information Form (or PI)/NYSED Substitute W-9 is a required part of the grant application/funding reimbursement process for all ORISS funding opportunities.
In order to claim reimbursement for Mandated Services Aid, Religious and Independent schools are required to have a Vendor record established in the Statewide Financial System and obtain an OSC Vendor ID number. Following is a compilation of religious and independent schools listed by BEDS code number with the corresponding OSC Vendor ID. Please look up your school on the list below or in to ascertain your school's OSC Vendor ID before beginning any reimbursement claims.
If your school wishes to receive reimbursement funds from NYSED, and does not have an OSC Vendor ID#, you must complete both the NYSED Substitute W-9 form and the Payee Information form and return it by mail with anoriginal signature(photocopies are not accepted) to:
Office of Religious and Independent School Support (ORISS)
Room1078EBA, 89 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12234
Payee Information Application Form (PI) and the NYSED Substitute Form W-9
Schools that have submitted Substitute W-9s that are not included on the list were most likely sent correspondence requesting additional information and are still pending. If you are one of these schools, please respond to the Department’s request for additional information at your earliest possible convenience.
It is important for all schools to note that the information contained in the OSC Vendor Record is what will be used to process MSA and CAP payments. It will be the school’s responsibility to ensure that this information is correct and kept up to date. Each school that received an OSC Vendor ID will or has already been given a User ID and Password to access and manage your vendor record at the
Questions concerning the establishment or maintenance of a vendor account should be addressed to: Phone: (855) 233-8363 or (518) 457-7717 or Email:helpdesk@sfs.ny.gov
Direct Deposit
The Office of the State Comptroller has instituted Automated Clearing House (ACH) as the preferred payment method and are now requiring vendors already enrolled in ACH to be paid utilizing the ACH payment method. Vendors that have selected the receipt of paper checks as their preferred method of payment will continue to receive checks. However, we strongly encourage vendors and schools which are still receiving checks to enroll in ACH. ACH payments provide both the sender and receiver with the advantages of improved controls, reduced chances for check fraud, better cash management, and greatly reduced bank charges.
Your institution should access the Statewide Financial System (SFS) SFS Help Desk and confirm that ACH is selected as the preferred method of payment by navigating to the Location tab on the vendor record and selecting the “Payables” hyperlink. Once in Payables, the payment method is displayed under the “Additional Payables Options,” “Additional Payment Information” section. If the Payment Method is ACH, the payment will be made via ACH. Payments may be rejected by OSC if a vendor has ACH as a payment option but choose not to make it their default.
If vendors have questions after using the online Self-Service for Vendors, please contact the SFS Help Desk directly. (SFS Help Desk| 877-737-4185 toll-free | 518-457-7737)
If you have any questions about mandated services aid, please send an e-mail message toMSA-CAP-ORISS@nysed.gov.