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When is a case closed?

An impartial hearing case is closed when the IHO renders a decision or the case is settled or withdrawn. If a decision is rendered, the IHO mails a copy of the written, or at the option of the parents, electronic findings of fact and decision to the parent(s) and school district.ÌýThe district then records the issue decisions, case closed date, and case closure type in the IHRS. If the case is settled, the district enters the date of the settlement agreement as the case closed date. If a case is withdrawn, the district enters the date of the written withdrawal and/or order of termination issued by the IHO as the case closed date. The district is responsible for notifying the IHO when the case is settled or withdrawn.

Entering a Case Closure

Step 1:Ìý°ä±ô¾±³¦°ìÌýCase MaintenanceÌýon the IHRS home screen. Open the case that needs to be closed.

Step 2:ÌýCheck to ensure that the following data is entered:

  • An IHO is assigned to the case (unless the case is withdrawn before the school district has appointed an IHO);
  • There is at least one issue recorded under Case Issues (unless the case is withdrawn);
  • An issue decision is recorded for each issue if the case closure type is Actual Decision;
  • At least one hearing date is entered if the case closure type is Actual Decision;
  • All hearing dates entered have an indication of whether or not the hearing was held; and
  • The Resolution Period Result and End date are entered if the case is parent-requested.

Step 3:ÌýUse the calendar feature to complete the Actual Record Closed Date and Case Closed Date fields.

Step 4:Ìý°ä±ô¾±³¦°ì ListÌýnext to the Case Closure Type field. Click a case closure type.

Step 5: Click Save. The Case Complete indicator changes from N to Y.

±·´Ç³Ù±ð:ÌýThe only field in which data can be entered after a case is closed is theÌýIssue Appealed To SRO?Ìýfield on the Case Issues data screen.ÌýSelect Y if the issue was appealed to the State Review Office. Select N if the issue was not appealed to the State Review Office.

Types of Case Closures
Closure Type Description
ACTUAL DECISION The IHO renders a decision and provides copies to the district and the parent. Case Closed Date is the date on the written decision.Ìý
SETTLED The parent(s) and the district reach a settlement agreement outside of the hearing process. The agreement is signed by both parties. The IHO does not render a written decision. At least one case issue must be entered before closing the case.
WITHDRAWN The party who initiated the hearing withdraws the request. There is written documentation of the withdrawal. The IHO does not render a written decision.ÌýIf the withdrawal of a request is an action due to a settlement agreement, the case is considered settled and not withdrawn.
INSUFFICIENT REQUEST The IHO is asked to rule whether the request is insufficient. If the IHO deems the request insufficient, the case is closed.Ìý
DISMISSED AT SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUEST When, after reasonable and documented efforts, the school district is unable to obtain parent participation in the resolution session, the district may request that the hearing be dismissed at the end of the 30-day resolution period. If the IHO supports the district request, the case is closed.
DISMISSED The IHO dismisses the case. If the IHO renders a written decision, the issue decision DISMISSED is entered for each case issue type and the Case Closure Type is entered as ACTUAL DECISION.
CONSOLIDATED The IHO determines the case should be consolidated. The district closes the resolution period to the subsequent (new) case as CONSOLIDATED which automatically closes the case.
Last updated
January 21, 2025 - 3:31pm